Friday, June 20, 2008


Less than a week until the swear-in ceremony and I become a real volunteer, and 10 days until I head to my site and start my service! Yikes! Last week I visited my site for five days. It is far... It takes two buses, two boats and two days to reach the island from Panama City. Bien Metido as we say. The community has about 300 members all of which are part of the indigenous group Ngabe Bugle. They are shy at first but I can already tell that after the inicial awkwardness of getting to know everyone and how things work I will have a great time. They are very excited for me to work there and eager to start English classes. The site already has great resources for tourism including a cabin, a trail through the jungles to see the tiny green frogs, and crafts to buy from the women's group. Unfortunately, the things we consider necessary as Americans don't really exist. For example, I will be bathing in well, or better put, a hole they have dug in the ground with some muddy water in it. Toilets don't exist. There are two latrines at the school, but the community either does their thing in the sea or in the small stagnant creek. Nasty. It will take me a while to adjust (and to construct my own personal compsting latrine aka bucket) but needless to say it will be an adventure! We're all ready to end training and get to our sites!

1 comment:

Holly said...

I hope you suceed with the composting toliets! They've had 8 years to get use to the idea and hopefully will see the light!