Saturday, August 23, 2008


It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to update and I can’t even remember all that’s happened. Time seems to fly and stand still all at once. Somehow I fill my days with visiting houses, working with the women- sewing and making bracelets, playing volleyball, and acting as a nanny for my current host family (I’m living with a single dad so he takes advantage and I end up cooking and taking care of the kids most of the time).

Recently I had the opportunity to join two women from my community in an artisan seminar where we along with about 25 other women sewed for three days straight until our fingers were sore and thoroughly punctured with needle wounds. A famous designer in Panama was in charge of designing and we were in charge of making. I came out with a pretty sweet bag. I’m currently inventing other projects using the Ngabe design to sell at the provincial fair in September.

Every Saturday (well sort of) there is work building my house. They have finished the frame and will cut the palm for my roof hopefully sometime this coming week (while the moon is right). Unfortunately enthusiasm for giving their day to work for free has dwindled and work this weekend was cancelled. We’ll see what happens with that.

My adult English classes begin in just over a week! I’ve planned three weeks worth of lessons and hopefully have all the logistics taken care of- now all I need are the students. I’ve set up a town meeting for this Monday to discuss the details. I’m sure I’ll have a full class in the beginning and I’m hoping at least a few people will stick with it for the two years.

As my days start to become busier it’s hard to believe I’ve only got 22 months left- I have so much to do! I feel as though I’m always saying this (which is a good thing), but overall things are going great. I’m starting to feel at home and adapting well (including some bad habits such as talking with food in my mouth and peeing wherever nature calls J ) Those of you in MN, enjoy the state fair for me and eat an extra pronto pup in my honor (thanks mom and dad)! Love, Bichochi

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